On 29th December 2022, the President of the United States signed the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulations Act (MoCRA) into law as part of the Food and Drug Omnibus Reform Act 2022.

All cosmetic products sold in the US must comply with MoCRA which is enforced by the US FDA.

The Cosmetic Regulator can help cosmetic brands comply with MoCRA and its various legal obligations through our ‘MoCRA Responsible Person Support Package’ below.

MoCRA Responsible Person Support Package

Comply with MoCRA in 3 easy steps.


We work with you to identify the obligations, the products and how your supply chain will be impacted.


We ensure the compliance of your cosmetic products against MoCRA and its requirements through our Responsible Person support package ensuring your products are listed correctly, your documentation is as required and you have robust processes in place.


We continue to ensure the compliance or your cosmetic products in the US market through regular regulatory landscape monitoring, ensuring annual reporting obligations are met and tracking cosmetovigilance in the market.